Public Speaking
Photo Courtesy of Jason Dixson Photography
arina offers engaging, fun and informative presentations on a wide range of parenting, relationship and leadership topics. Her experiential approach equips participants with tools they can put to work immediately. Clear examples and concrete strategies help parents learn how to handle common challenges and find more joy along their journey.
Sarina speaks to groups of all sizes and ages. Her passion for helping people grow is equally visible when speaking to a preschoolers class, thousands teenagers, or a lecture hall of adults.
When Parents Are Supported, Children Thrive. Why not invite your parent community back to school? When parents are supported, schools see less absenteeism and greater parenting engagement. With calmer, connected parents, students get the emotional support they need and show up at school ready to learn.
Calm & Capable Parents Make Happier, More Productive Employees. Support your employees in their role as parents and as members of your team. Participants learn effective communication techniques, build emotional awareness, and develop conflict regulation tools that work in any environment
Introduction to Positive Discipline Learn how Positive Discipline can transform your family! Positive Discipline provides parents with the tools and confidence they need to parent effectively with mutual respect between parent and child. Participants will leave with concrete tools to deal with common parenting challenges, and learn how to raise responsible, respectful, and resourceful children.
Partners in Parenting: Keeping your Relationship Strong
Learn why taking care of your relationship is critical to your child’s development! Based on the research of Drs. John & Julie Gottman, this hands-on workshop will help participants learn the secrets to increasing relationship satisfaction and parenting as a team.
Life Skills for Leaders What skills do children need to grow in to leaders? How do we know if our parenting strategies are teaching these skills? This interactive presentation answers these questions and more. Participants will learn specific ways to encourage and motivate children and teens, while cultivating positive family relationships that allow them to thrive. Great for parents and educators alike!
From Power Struggles to Problem Solving: Tools that Work! Learn the secrets of eliminating power struggles and raising resilient, respectful children. Whether it’s homework headaches or bedtime hassles, these tools will help you support your child’s development while keeping you sane.
Supporting Your Child’s Development Learn the 6 keys to fostering healthy growth and development in children. This talk draws on the latest research in brain development and offers concrete tips on how to best support your child as they grow.